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"There is no job worth doing that can't be done safely."

Mark Bird, President

Safety Philosophy

Empowering Excellence in safety through Commitment and Understanding

At Xccelerated Construction Unlimited, safety is not just a priority; it's a core value that drives every aspect of our operation. We believe that excellence in safety is achieved through relentless attention to detail and a culture that encourages continuous improvement. Our

Commitment to safety means that we go beyond compliance, creating a culture where every team member feels responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.

We understand that each project and environment presents unique challenges, and we approach these with a deep

Understanding of the risks involved. By listening to our team members and customers, valuing their insights, we create specific safety solutions that address real-world situations.

Our safety philosophy is about enabling our team—providing them with the tools, training, and support they need to perform their work safely and confidently. Together, we strive to protect each other, our clients, and the communities in which we operate, ensuring that everyone returns home safely at the end of the day.


Implement best practices, regularly review and update safety protocols, and set measurable safety goals that push the boundaries of what’s achievable.


Lead by example, ensure management’s active involvement in safety initiatives, and embed safety into every project phase—from planning to execution.


Engage in open communication with team members and customers, encourage feedback, and customize safety strategies to address specific challenges and environments.

About Us

Xccelerated Construction Unlimited (XCU) started in January 2016, dedicated to top-quality pipeline construction in the U.S. XCU's founders, Mark and Kayla Bird, fueled its growth, expanding from 5 to over 250 professionals. XCU's journey is marked by excellence, innovation, partnerships, safety, and sustainability, shaping them into a respected and valued construction entity throughout the industry.

Xccelerated Construction Unlimited

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